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Chapter News

  • SIGMA presentations. 25t2024.h March

    Join us next Monday 25th March from 5 - 5.30pm for 2 very interesting presentations. 

    1. Experiences, perspectives and professional development needs of mental health nurse caring for women during the perinatal period in acute mental health settings. (Sara Lamoureux)

    Trained as a nurse in Canada, Sara worked primarily with Toronto’s inner-city population providing mental health care. She has also worked in one of two specialty HIV hospital in Canada and in sexual assault care within an ambulatory teaching hospital, providing acute sexual assault care across seven local hospitals. Sara currently works as a Clinical Nurse within an acute mental health setting within a teaching hospital in Gold Coast. She is currently completing her thesis Griffith University’s Masters’ Advanced Nursing Practice which is focusing on moral distress and perinatal health within mental health settings.

    Here is the ZOOM link. Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 875 5334 1979
    Passcode: 738258

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